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Since some titles have multiple premiere dates, whether weekly or in parts, we count the 28 days from each episode premiere date in each country. Country lists are also ranked based on hours viewed, but don’t show country-level viewing directly.įinally, we provide a list of the Top 10 most popular Netflix films and TV overall (branded Netflix in any country) in each of the four categories based on the hours that each title was viewed during its first 28 days. To give you a sense of what people are watching around the world, we also publish Top 10 lists for nearly 100 countries and territories (the same locations where there are Top 10 rows on Netflix). Because titles sometimes move in and out of the Top 10, we also show the total number of weeks that a season of a series or film has spent on the list. We consider each season of a series and each film on their own, so you might see both Stranger Things seasons 2 and 3 in the Top 10.

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These lists rank titles based on weekly hours viewed: the total number of hours that our members around the world watched each title from Monday to Sunday of the previous week. Rate the app and send us your feedback - we will use it to improve our service.įrance 24 is part of the France Médias Monde group, which includes Radio France Internationale (RFI) and Monte Carlo Doualiya (MCD) FRANCE 24 5.6.Every Tuesday, we publish four global Top 10 lists for films and TV: Film (English), TV (English), Film (Non-English), and TV (Non-English).

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